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Privacy Policy

High-Purity Silicon Corporation (hereinafter referred to “the Company”) considers that user trust comes first. Therefore, the Company believes that handling of information related to individual users accurately and confidentially is an important responsibility of the Company. To this end, the Company has established a Personal Information Protection Policy as outlined below concerning the personal information of users and will properly handle the personal information of all employees and affiliates. Note that personal information already held and used by the Company will also be handled as personal information of users according to the Policy.

The Company

Name: High-Purity Silicon Corporation
Address: 5 Mita-cho, Yokkaichi-shi, Mie Prefecture 510-0841
Representative Director and President: Hirotake Ohta

Privacy Policy

(1) Acquisition of Personal Information

The Company will collect personal information by using appropriate and legal methods. In the case of requesting users to provide personal information, the Company will indicate the purpose of collection and details of use of personal information in advance. Additionally, the Company will collect personal information to the extend required for the achievement of the purpose within the scope of legitimate business of the Company.

(2) Use of Personal Information

The personal information the Company obtains will be used within the scope agreed to by the person whose personal information is obtained or within the scope of the purpose of collection. The scope of the purpose of use is the matters necessary to achieve the purpose within the scope of the legitimate business of the Company within the scope of the purpose of use below.
● Scope of purpose of use
- In the case of making contact on business
- In the case of providing information on the products and services handled by the Company
- In the case of responding to inquiries or requests, etc. from users
- For other purposes for which the users have been informed in advance and have consented to.

● Purpose of use other than the above
When it is necessary to use a user’s personal information for a purpose other than the above, the user ‘s consent will be obtained except when permitted by laws and regulations.

(3) Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not provide user’s personal information to third parties without user’s consent. However, this policy will not be applied to the special cases such as obligations under laws and regulations which the Company should follow due to the laws that apply to personal information and other norms.

(4) Procedures for Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, Deletion, etc. of Personal Information

Please contact the inquiry desk if you want the Company to disclose, correct, suspend to use, or delete personal information you have provided, including records of providing personal information to third parties. Disclosure or correction of the user’s personal information will be made within a reasonable period only if the request is confirmed to be made by the user themself except where required by laws and regulations. Suspension of use or deletion of the user’s personal information will be made within a reasonable period only if there are reasons provided for in the laws and regulations and the request is confirmed to be made by the user themself.

(5) Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information in Foreign Countries

In case that the Company entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information we obtained to a third party in a foreign country, the Company obtains consent from users in advance except where required by laws and regulations. In case of outsourcing the handling of personal information to third parties in foreign countries, we will provide the users of the system for the handing of personal data, measures, and other useful information etc. for the users by the outsourcing contractors. In addition, if the Company contracts necessary agreement, such as general agreement related to the outsourcing of personal information, the Company will take the necessary measures. However, the Company will not apply to the above when there are special cases such as obligations under laws and regulations which the Company should follow due to the laws that apply to personal information and other norms.

Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Norms on Protection of Personal Information

The Company will comply with laws, regulations and norms related to the protection of personal information applicable to personal information held by the Company, and the guidelines established by the Personal Information Protection Commission. Furthermore, this Policy will be determined based on the Japanese laws and other norms. This Policy defines the basic policy on the Company’s handling of personal information. The Company will endeavor to protect personal information based on laws, regulations and norms such as the Personal Information Protection Act in accordance with this Policy.

Security Management Measures for Personal Information

The Company maintains a management system and implements appropriate safety measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, leakage etc., and to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information. In addition, the Company will strive to properly manage personal information by restricting access by outsiders to the offices where personal information is handled, conducting educational activities for all employees and executives involved in the protection of personal information, and establishing management officers.

Use of Cookies and Web Beacons

Technologies such as cookies and web beacons are used on the Company’s website to acquire information on access by users. None of the information can be used to identify individuals.
In case of using the Company’s website with browser settings that do not accept cookies or do not display images, some of the functions provided on the website may not be used.

Use of Google Analytics

Google Analytics may be used on the Company’s website. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect information on access to the Company’s website. The methods of collection and use of access information are specified in the Google Analytics terms of service and the Google privacy policy.
For details, please refer to the following page:
In addition, these settings allow users to opt out of advertisements; for details, please refer to the following page:

Continuous Improvements

The Company will continuously review and improve to the protection of personal information to respond to changes in laws and regulations to be followed in Japan, handling methods, and changes in the environment.


For inquiries concerning the handling of personal information, please contact us at the address or phone below:

High-Purity Silicon Corporation
5 Mita-cho, Yokkaichi-shi, Mie 510-0841
PHONE +81-59-345-5191 FAX +81-59-346-5815
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